- 高风险状态时的环境及健康问题
- 电离辐射暴露的不良影响
- 科学与社会
- - 纳米成像及纳米医学: 发展分子成像新方法,使用未电离化的技术及用纳米结构的造影剂来做目标锁定,施药方式及综合治疗法。
- - 发展生物医学信号及影像, 不单是实验,也通过工业性的自动化方式。
- - 发展生物医学信号及影像, 不单是实验,也通过工业性的自动化方式。
- - 超声密度计: 研发新的超声波方法来早期诊断骨质疏松症。
- - 非侵入性超声波扫描监测怀孕期及分娩: 研究数量方法来早期诊断胎儿畸形及自动化监测分娩。
- 研究风险因子(肥胖症及代谢综合症)及动脉粥样硬化的发病机理,认知新的药物(药物基因组学)及营养(营养基因组学)医疗目标。
- 营养药品及健康促进:分析地中海饮食特别含有的营养食品(单不饱和酸脂及多不饱和酸脂,多酚化合物) 的治疗- 抗血管生成,消炎,抗蛋白水解,抗肥胖症的效果。
- 研究环境污染物及饮食习惯对早产发病机理的影响
- 研究心血管的风险及日常饮食对慢性阻塞性肺病的影响
- - 以饮食营养干预为调制环境污染物毒性的策略。
- 再生医学:血管治疗时使用血管内皮祖细胞(endothelial progenitor cells EPC)
- 综合辅助护理,主要在慢性退行性病症范围内,评估替代卫生方案及不同卫生情况的调制来支持决策。
- 以计算机模拟分析基因因子, 导致病理表型的表达
- 在慢性病症及传染性病症范围内实行以人群为基础的研究(观察性及试验性研究),包括病因,风险因子,监督,存活及预防。
- 研究新的诊断指标及新的护理策划;环境污染物及化学物理内分泌干扰素的基因毒性影响
- 医生- 病人间沟通,知情同意,健康识能,计算能力,通知电离辐射的危险,在线学习及知识管理 .
The Research Unit of Lecce of the Institute of Clinical Physiology has been constituted in 1993 with the aim of performing biomedical research and promoting research in South Italy. These objectives are pursued by means of a fruitful collaboration with other research institutions, public entities and private sector. The Research Unit of Lecce is involved in 4 macro-areas of research: Epidemiology and biostatistics, Nanoimaging, Nutrigenomic, and Public Health and Well-being. The Research Unit comprises 22 working persons (14 researchers, 5 technicians and 3 Associates). Junior researchers complement the research groups. The Head of the Research Unit of Lecce is Dr. Carlo Giacomo LEO.
The Nanoimaging Ultrasound Lab is equipped with the following experimental units for nanomedicine studies and medical imaging with molecular and cellular sensitivity based on functionalized nanosystems for selective targeting:
- EXPERIMENTAL ULTRASOUND UNIT FOR IN VITRO TESTS ON PHANTOMS AND LABORATORY MODELS: pairs of single-element ultrasound transducers; pulser-receivers; programmable function generators; digital oscilloscopes; data acquisition boards; Multisizer III Coulter Counter; hydrophones; RF amplifiers; gear, peristaltic, and infusion pumps; ultrasound flussometer; pressure transducer; ultrasonic bath; thermostatic bath.
- CLINICAL IMAGING UNIT: 3D echograph with 5 dedicated probes; 2D digital echographs with linear, convex, phased array, transvaginal/transrectal probes; dedicated platforms for RF signal extraction from echographic devices; Doppler Multigate board; electrocardiographs; workstations for biomedical image and signal processing.
- UNIT OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY STUDIES FOR ADVANCED IMAGING APPLICATIONS: all the necessary equipment to carry out experimental studies on primary cell cultures and cell lines, with cellular biology, biochemistry and molecular biology techniques
Vascular Biology, Nutrigenomics and Pharmacogenomics Laboratory
The Vascular Biology, Nutrigenomics and Pharmacogenomics Laboratory of the Institute of Clinical Physiology, Lecce Unit, is headquartered at the Ecotekne University Campus, in Lecce, Italy. It is equipped with all the instrumentations and resources necessary to human and animal cell cultures and to cellular, biochemical and molecular analyses in experimental animal models and in humans (laminar flow hoods, CO2 incubators, optical and fluorescence inverted microscopes with integrated image capture and processing system, microplate reader, luminometer, termalcycler, centrifuges and microcentrifuges, complete laminar flow PCR workstation, gel-electrophoresis apparatus).
Basic biomedical research is carried out in in vitro and ex vivo models of inflammation and atherosclerosis represented by cultured endothelial cells, monocytes/macrophages, vascular smooth muscle cells, adipocytes, all cell types crucial to the development of atherosclerosis and its vascular complications. These cell model systems are a powerful research tool allowing the measurement, in rigorously controlled and standardized conditions, of cell activation associated with the development of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, they allow to establish whether and how external interventions modulate responses to specific triggers as well as to identify new triggers of inflammatory vascular diseases. Moreover, animal models of atherosclerosis and metabolic diseases are employed to evaluate the effects of external interventions on risk factor profile and disease progression and to define mechanistic pathways.
Through the application of high-throughput genomics technology the interactions between nutrients, genes and health are studied to isolate and exploit nutritional compounds able to curb disease progression by modulating the expression and function of disease genes. Another research purpose is the study of the role of genetic variation to explain individual differences in responses to nutrition, which underlies in part the susceptibility for nutrition-related disorders, with the ultimate goal of personalized nutrition.
Onto-Bio Lab
Activities in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics are performed, in collaboration with the Genetic and Biomolecular Epidemiology Unit, at the Onto-Bio Lab, a ubiquitous research laboratory led by our group which focuses on the integration, management and usability of data by exploiting the ubiquitous paradigm. Hardware (server and storage) is physically distributed on the different units of our Institute, while software and databases (big or linked data) are managed locally, or dynamically queried and retrieved from Internet.
Head Researcher |
Dott. Carlo Giacomo Leo |
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0832/422316 |
Researchers |
Dott.ssa Maria Annunziata Carluccio |
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0832/422302 |
Ing. Sergio Casciaro |
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0832/422310 |
Dott. Ernesto Casciaro |
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0832/422321 |
Dott.ssa Virginia Recchia |
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0832/422314 |
Dott.ssa Marika Massaro |
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0832/298860 |
Dott. Saverio Sabina |
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0832/422304 |
Dott. Emilio Gianicolo |
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0832/422317 |
Ing. Francesco Conversano |
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0832/422312 |
Dott.ssa Antonella Zizza |
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0832/422306 |
Dott.ssa Egeria Scoditti |
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0832/298860 |
Ing. Roberto Franchini |
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0832/422311 |
Dott. Marco Di Paola |
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0832/422319 |
Dott.ssa Paola Pisani |
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0832/422311 |
Ing. Riccardo Colella | 该 Email 地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。 | |
Administrative support |
Dott. Gennaro Cagnazzo |
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0832/422315 |
Technical support |
Dott. Enzo Antonio Sbenaglia |
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0832/422309 |
Sig.ra. Marina Ghio |
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0832/422303 |
Rag. Roberto Guarino |
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0832/422305 |
Fellows, Scholars, PhD students, Other co-workers |
Dott.ssa Fiorella Lombardi |
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0832/422318 |
Dott.ssa Diana Ovejero Crespo |
Dott.ssa Daniela Pignatelli | 该 Email 地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。 | |
Dott. Morello Rocco
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IFC - CNR edificio A7 c/o CAMPUS UNIVESITARIO ECOTEKNE, via Provinciale Lecce-Monteroni
73100 LECCE
centralino: 0832 422303
fax: 0832 422340
direzione: 0832 422316
segreteria: 0832 422315
orario di apertura e chiusura cancelli campus universitario:
Lunedì/Venerdì 6.00-20.00 Sabato 6.00-14.00
(orario notturno: Velialpool Vigilanza tel. 0832/970270)
Aeroporto di Brindisi (35 km da Lecce) e collegamento tramite bus navetta con Lecce City terminal.
CITY TERMINAL (Terminal Bus Navetta) Viale Porta d'Europa (ingresso Nord Città di Lecce - 100m Hotel Tiziano)
In Treno:
Collegamenti diretti con Roma e Milano-Bologna. Dalla stazione di Lecce collegamento tramite Taxi (0832/306045) e con autobus STP (Società Trasporti Pubblici- Numero Verde 800447472) con il Polo Scientifico dell'Università (c.a. km 6) o autobus urbani per la città (autobus n° 27).
In Auto:
fino a Bari, quindi superstrada diretta fino a Lecce (Bari-Lecce Km.130) - per raggiungere l'IFC tangenziale EST o OVEST e uscita n.14 "CNR/UNIVERSITA'-MONTERONI".
HOTEL Convenzionati
Hotel President (link)
Eos Hotel (link)